Released in 2008, this version of Allure Homme is quite different from its other incarnations, including the Sports version.


It starts as a lemon blast that is elegant, features some bergamot too, and is maintained for about twenty minutes.  It is not a super-fresh blast, but more of a lemon ice cream impression. 


Subsequently,  a hint of white pepper develops into a vanilla that is never really sweet, with a woody note added on later in the very stylish drydown. I also get lust of white musks later on, with a added bright spark of vetiver towards the end.   Throughout it's life time, the lemon-citrus note is always present in the background.


This scent lacks the amazing citrus intensity of, for instance, Hermes Eau d'Orange Verte or of Monsieur Balmain, but this is more than compensated for by its remarkable longevity. Citrus-based scents usually last a maximum of half an hour on my skin, but the delightful Chanel Allure Homme Edition Blanche lasts up to four hours!  Its sillage is moderate and the projection is good.  For the last couple of hours it is close to my skin, but nevertheless this is an unusually long-lasting lemon-centred fragrance.  A summer hit.   3.75/5