For a change, the name of this product is spot on: iris and rose are indeed the core components in the opening squirt, with the iris in the foreground
initially, and the rose gaining traction over time.
The iris is pleasant. The rose is of good quality; it is light, bright and nigh cristalline in fragility. These opening notes are of feather-like
lightness. Heliotropes add an additional sparkle, and whiffs of - very weak - transient aldehydes add a few more.
The second stage is dominated by white musks and a rather perfunctory soft patchouli.
I get weak sillage, limited projection and seven hours of longevity on my skin, with the last half very, very close to my skin.
This is a summer scent based on a nice rose impression of good quality, which would deserve a positive score on its own. Unfortunately the rest is of
lower quality and quite generic and synthetic in nature, which, combined with the very poor performance, drags down the whole in the rating considerably. 2.75/5