HAMMAM Bouquet


After a brief lavender prelude without further ado the centrepiece of this scent steps forward: a rich, deep, quite heavy rose that is an echo of Victorian dandyism; a slightly waxy and indolic tuberose provides a nice accompaniment to the rich rose.  Jasmine is added later in , as is a nice orris. Cedar, sandalwood, amber and a dark musk dominate the base, but still now the rose still rules. The sillage is very good, as is the projection, and I get around eight hours of longevity. A heavy, gloriously Victorian floral rose composition of quite unique Character.  Rich, intense, deep, but not very nuanced.  The longevity is an amazing (for Penhaligon's) 13 hours on my skin, withe splendid projection and strong sillage.  An original classic.  3.75/5

Hammam Bouquet was not available for a while, but now it is back, albeit, as the helpful staff member in the company's Edinburgh shop today confirmed, in a reformulated version. In this new version the rose is toned down, as if the ingredients were rationed, and it lacks the depth and the richness of the original. For those who like such types if fragrances but find the old version too heavy and too rich, the toned down reformulation might be worth a try. A diluted classic. 3.25/5