The Slatin Pasha woven Derby

Named after Rudolf Carl von Slatin, aka as Slatin Pasha, the famous Anglo-Austrian  officer, author and British government official in Sudan, who reportedly wore this kind of shoes in hot weather.   The woven leather enables better breathing and gives the shoe a casual feel.   It is a good shoe for casual occasions in the heat.  Ludwig Reiter in Vienna is the oldest shoemaker to produce this shoe.  Crockett & Jones's Sandown is a version that has a finer weave. 


It was the famous Will Boehlke who one remarked that some items of clothing don't make sense, like a casual Penny Loafer in formal black colour.   A similar inner contradiction is inherent in the black Slatin Pasha shoe.  No a good idea.  The fact that something is manufactured does not mean it is logical or appropriate.